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Drive in Movie Screen

Watch your favorite movies or play your favorite video games on this gigantic inflatable screen. Our powerful high-tech projector projects a crystal clear picture that is larger than life. Movie night has never looked so good! It comes with a FM Transmitter to listen to the movie safely in your car. Comes with the DVD player. A perfect way to watch movies while social distancing.

Space req.: 12′L x 25′W x 18′H
Power required: 3 x 110v/15amp
Age suitability: All
Set-up / strike time: 60 min.

Our Largest Inflatable Movie Screen. This Drive-in Movie Screen is massive and can be viewed from far aways. It’s high enough so that cars in front will be able to see the screen. Comes with FM Transmitter so you can enjoy watching in the comfort of your car. Bright enough to see as well.

The dimensions of the screen (white portion): 20’W x 12’H